Sunday, January 27, 2013

What. A. Week.

No really. These times be crazy!! How to even catch you guys up... well, for one, I haven't posted for a while, because I used this blog as an application to become a Dapple Gray Ambassador, and didn't want to draw attention to it while it was posted. I was, however, lucky enough to be chosen! Weeee!! So, everyone, please visit her facebook page and like it! You won't regret it. The products she carries are not only top quality, but in general, completely drool-worthy.
These, for example.

I can't wait to take a drive up there. She has a lot posted on her online store, and even more on her facebook page, but I think this is something that must be experienced :) I need to get up there soon, though. My want list is only going to get longer.

Other than that, Flora has been going SO WELL. Like, honestly. SO excited for show season, it's unbelievable. I'm having my first lesson with my new trainer this week and I CANNOT wait!! I expect to have at least one red-faced moment, but I guess that's nothing new for me. I will update y'all on how it goes, soon rather than later. Promise :)

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