Monday, January 23, 2012

Procrastinated, as per usual

It never fails. No matter how excited I am about something, I still procrastinate. Le sigh. Anyway, here I am, writing another one of these blog things. Now don't get me wrong, I've actually thought about this every day since the first one I wrote. I just couldn't really think of anything to write about that other would be even remotely interested in reading. Working 15+ hours several days this past week didn't help either.

Now I have a few days off. I flip houses with my dad, boyfriend, and his best friend. I mostly manage the financial and logistical aspects of the projects, but am also becoming a mean painter. We're between houses- one just went on the market last week and we're acquiring another one tomorrow- meaning I'm not really needed for a few days. Thank goodness. More time for ponies!

So that's what I did today. First I rode Jake, my dressage sales horse. I'll start by saying he has come sooooo far. When I first started riding him less than a year ago (and only at most 3 times a week), he could barely keep his right lead canter all the way around the ring, he was so weak and unfit. Lately, my sister has been riding him, since she's the dressage queen and has had more time than me. 

For one, I was surprised how little I struggled in the dressage saddle today- that was nice. I still don't understand how I was a dressage rider for so many years, and now can't stand riding in stirrups shorter than jumping length. Anyway, Jake felt great today. His trot was just so through. He was covering ground, nice and round, like nobodies business during our warm up. We did some half-halts (doing them properly is still a somewhat new concept to him) and HELLOOooo: almost passage. SO nice! Then came the canter. Now, getting his canter realllly good has been a challenge. But today was great. After some forward and back work, and some exaggerated shoulder in, he became so light and soft. Even his collection was nice. What a pleasant surprise for me :)

After Jake, came Flora. Flora is our homebred 4yr DWB/TB mare, who was started last spring but hasn't had much work until about mid-December. She learns a bit slower than some of the other babies I've worked with (but is far from the worst!), but once she gets something, she gets it. I hope she is going to make a really nice hunter, and I've just started her over poles and small crossrails.

Today, she was wild, at first. I put her on the lunge, since she'd had a few days off and I wish someone else could have seen her. Bucking, leaping, and just running around like a nut in general. I almost didn't get on her, which is saying something, because I'm usually fairly brave. But I did, and I'm SO glad I did. 

Flora has an enormous, beautiful canter that, until today, she's had a lot of trouble balancing. Today, however, she was phenomenal. For the first time, I felt like she was actually between my hand and leg, and that I could actually steer her around like a normal horse. I even got super brave and cantered her over a pole on a circle. The fact that we were able to circle at the canter, let alone steer over a pole was, to me, amazing. Then i got really brave and cantered up and over a small cavaletti. It took a couple of tries for her to trust me and herself enough to keep the canter up and over it, but once she figured it out, it was sooo smooth!! I'm so excited :) I'm aiming to take her in a small clinic here at our farm with Waylon Roberts, in the cross rail group. Maybe we'll be ready after all!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I can see how this could get addictive...

So I'm finally doing it. I'm finally starting my blog. Well, actually, apparently I started it over 4 years ago, I just never wrote anything. First year of university, when I created this blog, may have had something to do with that.

"What's changed?" you may ask. "I'm not sure" is the easiest answer. I like to write, but that's nothing new. After four years of school and writing about things you don't care about, I think I need an outlet to write about something I AM interested in. The only thing I can write about, any time, any where? Horses, of course. I may not always speak up in person, but I have lots of opinions, stories, and maybe even some advice when it comes to our equine friends.

Also, even after four years of business school, even after a lifetime in the horseworld and business, even though I've experienced how miserable many horse businesspeople are... I still want to be part of it. I still want to train and teach and coach. I know you don't make much money. I know it's a lot of work. I know a lot of stuff about the industry that makes me dislike it. But I still want to do this. Do I have a business plan? No, but I do have a rough draft of sorts worked out in my head.

I don't sound like the most confident person, do I? I'm not, at least not outwardly. I've never been the sort of person to toot my own horn. However, I am very confident in my riding, training and teaching ability. I just need to get out there and prove it and this blog is here to help.

I started thinking about memorable names. Anyone can name their business after them self. But whose initials happen to spell a frequently used indefinite article that prefaces what their business is all about? AN Equestrian. It's perfect. It's my initials, but it's also who I am: an equestrian. Coming from my business school education, it's also perfect because it does not define me too narrowly, meaning I can branch out in many different areas and blah blah blah. See, I learned something in school! I'm sure my marketing profs would be proud.

Anywho, this is me. I am a recent graduate from Acadia University (GO AXEMEN!) with a Bachelors of Business Administration. I grew up on a farm and started riding before I could walk (Ok, so my mom had to hold me on). I've competed in Dressage, Hunter, Jumper, Equitation and Eventing. I've been a working slave-I mean student, a top show jumping and hunter groom, and rider for an A circuit stable. I've coached many riders, mostly beginner and intermediate. I'm currently working as a financial manager and part time labourer for a real estate investment company I've partnered with. That sounds pretty cool, right? It is. But you what I think about while I'm putting the final coat of paint in a newly finished basement? Or while I'm updating the budget? Horses. And I truly believe that what I daydream about, is what I should pursue.

Another day, I will fill you in on some of my experience, current projects, etc, but I think I've written enough for now. I can definitely see how people get into this sorta stuff :)